
building front
Who We Are

The mission of the Saginaw Police Department is to provide professional, efficient and equitable service to our community through integrity, courage, compassion, accountability and pride.

The Saginaw Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency, located in the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We serve a resident community of approximately 24,450 people, with a higher daytime population thanks to several major traffic corridors and numerous industrial and commercial employers.

What We Do
Our department provides professional police services to the Saginaw community. In addition to patrol and investigative functions, ours is one of few contemporary police departments that still offers basic services such as vacation house watches, burglar alarm responses, and private property accident investigation. The Saginaw Police Department is also proud to offer programs like the Citizens Police Academy, Neighborhood Watch, and home or business safety inspections to help lower your insurance bill.

Contact US
Feel free to contact any member of our leadership team with your questions, comments, or concerns. Please contact the Police Department by calling 817-232-0311. For your convenience, a supervisor is on duty at all times.


How do I make a records request?
You may make a request for Police Offense/Incident and Accident Reports by completing an Open Records Request.  For more information about Open Records Requests, click here.
What can be done about speeders on my street? Are speed humps / bumps available in Saginaw?
You may contact our traffic tip hotline by calling 817-230-0399, or contact police dispatch by calling 817-232-0311. Your complaint will be forwarded to patrol officers.

At present, the City of Saginaw does not use speed humps to calm or slow traffic. Studies have found these humps slow emergency response vehicles, and cause undue wear and tear to all of our vehicles
What can be done about all of the train noise, traffic, and signals?
Trains have been an integral part of Saginaw as long as we have been on the map. The Police Department regularly monitors trains to ensure they are in compliance with state and federal guidelines.
Where is the Police Department located and what are the hours of operation?

The Police Department is located two blocks west of City Hall at:
505 W. McLeroy Blvd.
Saginaw, TX 76179

The Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  However, business hours are Monday – Thursday from 7:30AM to 5:30PM and Friday 7:30AM to 11:30AM.

How can I start a neighborhood watch program?
Please contact Lt. James Crippen by calling 817-232-0311 to get started.